Four Year Old Program

In this program, your four-year-old child explores concepts in reading, math, and science as we continue to promote language and physical development. This hands-on approach to learning new skills is introduced through daily stories and games that teach your child math concepts, the alphabet, and phonic awareness.   Our Science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)  curriculum incorporates teaching methods that respect children’s natural learning process. Children are challenged to problem-solve and think creatively. This program is offered in our Junior Kindergarten Program.

Your child also gets to participate in field trips in the community. These trips enhance your child’s enjoyment of our weekly themes. We provide daily reports so you stay updated and involved in your child’s development.

Features of our Four Year Old Program

  • Literacy
  • Table Manners
  • Language
  • Music & Movement
  • Weekly Theme
  • Outside Play
  • Monthly Field Trips

Spanish Language

The second most widely spoken language in the United States is Spanish. Being exposed to a second language can be a benefit to your child as he or she grows.  Provide your child with a great start at Northern Virginia Academy.  We utilize “Trampoline Spanish” in our schools.  Children enjoy learning Spanish vocabulary words through songs, games and dance.