Safety & Security

Our schools are equipped with an electronic access entry system that allows only authorized individuals to enter. Access Codes are changed often and are time sensitive, so even those with codes can only access the school during regular hours. Teachers take the time to get to know the parents or guardians and will not release a child to any unknown person without written authorization and proper identification.

All Northern Virginia Academy of Early Learning schools have emergency preparedness plans in place for severe weather, fire, lockdown conditions or other disaster situations and an emergency evacuation plan is in place at each school. Monthly drills are held to ensure staff and children can calmly and quickly follow through with the procedures.

Most classrooms have observation windows and closed-circuit security cameras which are monitored from the director’s office or in the lobby.

All employees are thoroughly screened and have to undergo background checks and Federal database fingerprinting before they can be employed by one of our schools. Teachers conduct strict accountability “name to face” identification procedures to ensure all children are accounted for while transitioning to and from classrooms, playgrounds, buses and throughout the day.